> 春节2024 > 还有多久想过年英语





距离春节还有两天了,用英语可以说\"The Spring Festival is only two days away.\"如果是在国外,可以直接说\"New Year\"。

按问句写答句Why do you like it?为什么喜欢春节,用英语答_作业帮

Why do you like it? Because it is a joyful and festive holiday that brings families together. During the Spring Festival, people celebrate with special traditions, delicious food, beautiful decorations, and exciting activities. It is a time when everyone is filled with happiness and good wishes for the new year.


1. There is nothing special. 2. The New Year is just around the corner. 或者可以说 \"The New Year is quickly approaching.\" 这样说会更加富有文采。

制定一个7天的春节长假计划【用英语】first day I would like to_...

First day, I would like to relax and rest at home since the day before I would stay up late to celebrate the arrival of the new year. It\'s a perfect time to recharge and get ready for the exciting activities ahead.


During the Chinese Spring Festival holidays, there will be a variety of activities to enjoy. For example, the Lantern Festival is one of the highlights, where people gather to admire the beautiful lanterns and participate in traditional performances. Another popular activity is setting off fireworks and firecrackers, symbolizing the driving away of evil spirits and bringing good luck for the new year.


I really enjoy the winter vacation, even though it is short, it is filled with interesting activities. The Spring Festival is the most exciting part of the winter vacation. It\'s a time when families gather, exchange gifts, and share delicious meals. The festive atmosphere and the joy of celebrating the new year make it a memorable and enjoyable holiday.


What time is the Chinese New Year? When is the Spring Festival?


My favorite festival is the Spring Festival because I can have a big dinner with my family and enjoy quality time together. It\'s a special moment when we can gather and share laughter, stories, and delicious food. The warmth and love that fill the air during the Spring Festival are truly priceless.


春节就要来到了,用英语可以说\"The Spring Festival is nearly at hand.\"

春节用英语怎么说?是NEW YEAR吗?

春节用英语可以说\"Spring Festival\"或者\"Chinese New Year\",New Year\'s Day则指元旦。